
Manual information retrieval systems

毛慶禎 輔仁大學圖書資訊學系副教授
    1. 文件管理
    2. 目錄及索引 - 人工與電腦化之比較
    3. 印本目錄
    4. 建立及檢索印本索引
    5. 書後索引
    6. 排序
Fifty years ago, on July 15, 1955, Eugene Garfield, Ph.D published his groundbreaking paper on citation indexing, “Citation Indexes for Science: A New Dimension in Documentation through Association of Ideas.” This innovative paper envisioned information tools that allow researchers to expedite their research process, evaluate the impact of their work, spot scientific trends, and trace the history of modern scientific thoughts.


Chapter 12 - Manual information retrieval systems, from Organizing Knowledge : An Introduction to Managing Access to Information / by Jennifer Rowley, John Farrow; 3rd ed. Hampshire, England : Gower, 2000; ISBN: 0-566-08047-8

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