
毛慶禎 譯
A4. 圖書館建築標準 | 參考資源 | 目次


An Chomhairle Leabharlanna (The Library Council), Joining forces: delivering libraries and information services in the information age, Dublin, The Library Council, 2000.

Associazione Italiana Biblioteche, Linee guida per la valutazione delle biblioteche pubbliche Italiane, Rome, Associazione Italiana Biblioteche, 2000.

Baro i Llambias, M and Mana i Terre, T., Formar-se per informar-se: propostes per a la integracio de la biblioteca a l'escola, Barcelona, Edicions 62, Rosa Sensat, 1994.

Benton Foundation, Buildings, books and bytes: libraries and communities in the digital age, published by the Benton Foundation at the request of the W. K. Kellogg Foundation, 1996.

Benton Foundation, Local places, global connections: libraries in the digital age, published by the Benton Foundation and Libraries for the Future, 1999.

Bibliotheken ’93. Strukturen – Aufgaben – Positionen, Bundesvereinigung Deutscher Bibliotheksverbande (BDB), Berlin, Goettingen, BDB, Berlin, Deutsches Bibliotheksinstitut, 1994.

Calenge, Bertrand, Les petites bibliotheques, Paris, Cercle de la librarie, 1993.

Council for Cultural Co-operation, Culture Committee, Council of Europe/EBLIDA guidelines on library legislation and policy in Europe, 2000.

Dominguez Sanjurjo, Maria Ramona, Nuevas formas de organizacion y servicios en la biblioteca publica, Gijon, Spain, Trea, 1997.

England. Culture, Media and Sport Committee (UK), Culture, Media and Sport – sixth report – public libraries, London, House of Commons, 2000.

England. Department of Culture, Media and Sport, Comprehensive, efficient and modern public libraries – standards and assessment, London, Department of Culture, Media and Sport, 2001.

England. Libraries, Information and Archives Division, Libraries for all: social inclusion in public libraries: policy guidelines for local authorities in England, London, Department for Culture, Media and Sport, 1999.

England, Library and Information Commission, New library: the people's network, London, Department for Culture, Media and Sport, 1998.

Finland. Ministry of Education, Public libraries in Finland – gateways to knowledge and culture, Helsinki, Ministry of Education, 1999.

Firsov, V. R., Gosudarstvennoye zakonodatelnoye regulirovanie dejatelnosti bibliotek, St Petersburg, Rossijskaja natsional naja biblioteka, 2000.

Florida Library Association, Standards for Florida public libraries: a vision for the 21st century, Florida, Florida Library Association, 1995.

Germany. Working Party Joint Career Profile of the BDB, Career profile 2000: the changing roles of libraries and librarians, Berlin, Bundesvereinigung Deutscher Bibliotheksverbande eV, 2000.

Greenhalgh, Liz and Worpole, Ken with Landry, Charles, Libraries in a world of cultural change, London, UCL Press, 1995.

Hayes, Robert M. and Walter, Virginia A., Strategic management for public libraries: a handbook, Westport, Conn., Greenwood Press, 1996.

Himmel, Ethel and Wilson, William James, with the ReVision Committee of the Public Library Association, Planning for results: a public library transformation process – the guidebook, Chicago, American Library Association, 1998.

Himmel, Ethel and Wilson, William James, with the ReVision Committee of the Public Library Association, Planning for results: a public library transformation process – the how-to manual, Chicago, American Library Association, 1998.

IER Planning, Research and Management Services, The library's contribution to your community: a resource manual for libraries to document their social and economic contribution to the local community, Gloucester, Ontario, Canada, Southern Ontario Library Service, 1998.

Illinois Library Association, Serving our public: standards for Illinois public libraries, Chicago, Illinois Library Association, 1997.

Information Centre for Information Ethics

Information on guidelines and standards in Spain

Information on library law in Spain

Ireland. Department of Environment and Local Government, Branching out: a new public library service, Dublin, Stationery Office, 1998.

ISO 11620, Information and documentation. Library performance indicators, Geneva, ISO, 1998.

King Research Ltd, Keys to success: performance indicators for public libraries: a manual of performance measures and indicators, London, HMSO, 1998.

Kulicova, L. V., Publichnaja biblioteka v uslovijah mestnogo samoupravlenija, Posobie, St Petersburg, Rossijskaja natsionalnaja biblioteka, 2000.

La biblioteca escolar en el contexto de la reforma educativa: documento marco, Madrid, Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia, 1995.

La biblioteca publica, un compromiso politico: primeras jornados "Biblioteca publica y politicas culturales", Barcelona, Fundacion Bertelsmann, 1997.

Library Association, Code of professional conduct and guidance notes, 3rd edn, London, The Library Association, 1999.

Library Association, Model statement of standards for public library services, London, The Library Association, 1995.

Library Association, Public Library Charter Working group, A charter for public libraries, London, The Library Association, 1993.

Library Board of Queensland, Guidelines and standards for Queensland public libraries, Brisbane, Library Board of Queensland, 1997.

McClure, Charles R., et al., Planning and role setting for public libraries: a manual of options and procedures, Chicago, American Library Association, 1987.

Le metier de bibliothecaire, Paris, Cercle de la librarie, 1996.

Modelnij standart dejatelnosti publichnoj biblioteki, Proekt 9 vinositsja na obsugdenie Sektsiej po bibliotechnoj politike i zakonodatel stvu RBA, St Petersburg, 2000.

Moore, Nick, Measuring the performance of public libraries, Paris, UNESCO, 1989.

Ontario Library Service North, Ontario public library guidelines: a development tool for small, medium and county libraries, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada, Ontario Library Service North, 1997 (with updates to June 2000).

Oregon Library Association, Standards for Oregon public libraries 2000.

Ot massovoj k publichnoj biblioteke, Materiali seminara ( 10–11 Nojabrja 1992 Moskva), Moscow, 1993.

Performance measurement and quality management in public libraries, Proceedings of IFLA Satellite Meeting, Berlin, 25–28 August 1997, Berlin, Deutsche Bibliothekinstitut, 1998.

Rural information provision in developing countries: measuring performance and impact, prepared for UNESCO on behalf of IFLA by Antoinette F. Correa, Kingo J. Mchombu, Djibril Ndiaye, Gloria M. Rodriguez, Diana Rosenberg and N. U. Yapa, Paris, UNESCO, 1997.

Salaberria, Ramon, Bibliotecas publicas y bibliotecas escolares: una colaboracion imprescindible, Madrid, Ministerio de Educacion y Cultura, 1997.

Scotland. Convention of Scottish Local Authorities, Standards for public library services in Scotland: a report by a working party appointed by the Arts and Recreation Committee of the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities, Edinburgh, Convention of Scottish Local Authorities, 1995.

Singapore. Library 2000 Review Committee, Investing in a learning nation: report of the Library 2000 Review Committee, Singapore, SNP Publishers, 2000.

Sturges, Paul and Neill, Richard, The quiet struggle: information and libraries for the people of Africa, 2nd edn, Mansell, London, 1998.

Taesch-Wahlen, Danielle, Concevoir, realiser et organiser une bibliotheque: memento a l’usage des elus, des responsables administratifs et des bibliothecaires, Paris, Cercle de la librarie, 1997.

Texas Library Association, Public Libraries Division, Standards Committee, Guidelines for Texas public libraries, Austin, Texas, Texas Library Association, 1992.

Turner, Bridget, Research document of the lack of study facilities in Gauteng Province and its impact on community libraries, Gauteng Provincial Library and Information Services, South Africa, 1999.

Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, Wisconsin public library standards, 3rd edn, Madison, Wisconsin, State of
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, Public Library Development, 2000.

Zweig, Douglas, Wilcox Johnson, Debra, Robbins, Jane, et al., The TELL IT! manual: the complete program for evaluating library performance, Chicago, American Library Association, 1996.


Brawner, Lee B., and Beck, Donald K. Jr, Determining your public library’s future size: a needs assessment and planning model, Chicago, American Library Association, 1996.

Dahlgren, Anders, Planning the small library facility, 2nd edn, Small Libraries Publication, #23, Chicago and London, Library Administration and Management Association, 1996.

Dahlgren, Anders, Public library space needs: a planning guide, 1998, State of Wisconsin, Department of Public Instruction, Public Library Development, 1998.

IFLA Section on Library Buildings and Equipment, Intelligent library buildings: proceedings of the tenth seminar of the IFLA Section on Library Buildings and Equipment, The Hague, Netherlands, 24–29 August, 1997, Marie-Francoise Bisbrouck and Marc Chauveinc (eds), IFLA Publication – 88, Munich, K. G. Saur, 1999.

Koontz, Christine M., Library facility siting and location handbook, Westport, Conn., Greenwood Press, 1997.

McCabe, Gerard, Planning for a new generation of public library buildings, Westport, Conn., Greenwood Press, 2000.

Prototipo de bibliotecas publicas, Madrid, Ministerio de Cultura, 1995.

Sannwald, William W., Checklist of library building design considerations, 3rd edn, Chicago, American Library Association, 1997.


IFLA, Section of Public Libraries, The IFLA/UNESCO Public Library Manifesto, The Hague, IFLA, 1995. Available in various languages at:

IFLA, The IFLA/UNESCO School Library Manifesto, Ottawa, National Library of Canada, 1999.


IFLA, Mobile Libraries Round Table, Mobile library guidelines, Professional Report #28, By Robert Pestell, The Hague, IFLA, 1991.

IFLA, Section of Libraries for the Blind, Standards Development Committee, Approved recommendations on working out national standards of library services for the blind, F. Cylke, W. Byrne, H. Fiddler, S.S. Zharkov (eds), The Hague, IFLA, 1983.

IFLA, Section for Libraries for Children and Young Adults, Guidelines for library services for young adults, The Hague, IFLA, 2001.

IFLA, Section for Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons, Guidelines for library services to deaf people, 2nd edn, Professional Report # 62, By John Michael Day, The Hague, IFLA, 2000 [also available in French, German, Russian and Spanish].
    http://www.ifla.org/VII/s9/nd1/guidelines.pdf, 法文版

IFLA, Section for Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons, Guidelines for library services to prisoners, Professional Report # 34, Frances E. Kaiser (ed.), The Hague, IFLA, 1995 [also available in German].

IFLA, Section for Libraries Serving Disadvantaged Persons, Guidelines for libraries serving hospital patients and the elderly and disabled in long-term care facilities, Professional Report #61, The Hague, IFLA, 2000.

IFLA, Section for Library Services to Multicultural Populations, Multicultural communities: guidelines for library services, 2nd edn, The Hague, IFLA, 1998 [有英文版、法文、德文、俄文、西班牙文等譯本].

IFLA, Section of Public Libraries, The public library as the gateway to the information society: the revision of the IFLA guidelines for public libraries, proceedings of the IFLA/UNESCO Pre-Conference Seminar on Public Libraries, 1997, The Hague, IFLA, 1998.

IFLA, Section of Public Libraries: website of public library acts (various)

IFLA, Working Group, Guidelines for libraries serving hospital patients and disabled people in the community, Professional Report #2, The Hague, IFLA, 1984.

國際圖書館協會聯盟研擬中的綱領, 2001年2月

IFLA, Section of Libraries for the Blind, National standards of library services for the blind [anticipated publication date 2002].

IFLA, Section of Libraries for Children and Young Adults, Guidelines for children's services [anticipated publication date 2002].

IFLA, Section of Libraries for Disadvantaged Persons, Guidelines for dyslexia [anticipated publication date 2001].

IFLA, Section of School Libraries and Resource Centres, Guidelines for school libraries [anticipated publication date 2002]. 譯註: 已出版 The IFLA/UNESCO School Library Guidelines 2002