


英語主題: Applications of artificial intelligence for library Services




Sheue-Fang Song is the Library Dean of the Tamkang University. Before the present position, Director Song served as Library Director of Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology¸ Associate Professor and Chairperson of Department of Information and Library Science, Tamkang University. Song holds a Bachelor Degree of Library Science from Tamkang Unversity, a Master degree of History from Chinese Culture University, and a Master Degree of Computer Science from Villanova University.


淡江大學近幾年推動全雲端校園的建設以及組織數位轉型。圖書館運用數位轉型工具包括應用MS 3AP 優化服務流程、建置客服機器人,以及Azure語音導覽,以提升圖書館的效率和服務品質。此外,善用雲端圖書館自動化系統之智能工具,精進業務流程。

因應全雲端校園突顯共同協作與共同創新的重要性,圖書館透過內部資訊網(INTRANET PORTAL) 和快閃教育訓練,強化內部資訊溝通、知識交流分享、並培育明星館員,以促進數位轉型和創新知識管理。

Tamkang University has been actively promoting the development of a fully cloud-based campus and the digital transformation of its organization. The library has leveraged digital transformation tools, including the implementation of MS 3AP to streamline service processes, the establishment of a customer service chatbot, and the use of Azure voice navigation, to enhance the efficiency and service quality of the library. Additionally, the library has effectively utilized intelligent tools from the cloud library automation system to improve internal processes.

In response to the emphasis on collaborative work and co-innovation highlighted by the fully cloud-based campus, the library has strengthened internal information communication, knowledge exchange, and sharing through the establishment of intranet portal and the delivery of flash training programs. This effort aims to cultivate exemplary librarians and promote digital transformation and innovative knowledge management.





職輔組英文粉專名稱: Career Bridge CDPO

網頁: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61572881288961

